Certification of sustainability

A planner needs to fulfil a variety of tasks during the GASB certification process of a complex building project.

Among others this includes optimizing life cycle costs with a minimum of invest and requires a basic knowledge of cost effects on each point in question and the reconciliation of the interdependences between them.

Furthermore, planners need to identify problems, risks and “pitfalls” to ensure a smooth and trouble-free procedure.

To support these tasks, we recommend the manual „Zertifizierung für Nachhaltige Gebäude – Vermeidung von Kostenfallen durch Kostentransparenz“ available from Verlag Dr. Köster Berlin.


Planufaktur GmbH
Gesellschaft für Projektentwicklung
Wilhelm-Kuhr-Str. 5
D-13187 Berlin

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M 00 49 162 – 277 01 03